Constant, Two-ism 2023

This installation explores the interplay between textile, technology, and sensory connection given the environment it is in. The work is composed of a woven textile piece made from cotton and copper threads, which is equipped with an Arduino synthesizer that produces sound whenever someone comes near the piece. It invites the viewer to engage in a sensory experience that transforms the space into a communicative environment, where the textile piece becomes a responsive entity to human presence.

Inspired by the concept of cybernetics - which refers to the study of network and control in living and non-living systems - the use of copper threads in the textile piece are symbolic of the transmission of data and the flow of information, while the cotton represents the organic and tactile quality of the material.

With the use of Arduino in the work, it enables the weave to produce sound whenever someone comes near it. Sounds produced by the synthesizer is a representation of the relation between the viewer and the work, creating a new form of dialogue between the two entities. The produced sounds are unique to each viewer's interaction, becoming a personalized sensory experience.

Weaving as part of ‘Organ in Situ’ in het Orgelpark

(Click on image for video)

Exhibition in Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen

Wood panels with applied flocking technique, 1,50 m

Paintings with applied flocking technique

Glued wood panels test

Glass test piece, 17 x 35 cm

Cotton weaving, cotton yarn 70 x 100 cm

Drawings made by working live in Ableton on soundscape

Weaving, 60 cm x 300 cm
